May 10th. I rocked up at the Sound on a Sunday morning full of hope only to be greeted by a threatening weather. Having fished this particular stretch of water just a days earlier with my mate, Matt, and caught some lovely squids and roughly a dozen undersized snappers, skippys and herrings, I was hopping to land a legal snapper today.
After peddling a fair distance and almost making it half way down the last waypoint, 3rd time of the day, I figured the fish weren’t going to play. Still a great day, though. All the while keeping in mind of a Great White Shark attack at Rockingham (it attacked a dingy and throw a man overboard), didn’t want to stay out here alone for too long, decided to call it a day (wasn’t surprise to see no one was out).
Spirits peaked I headed back all the while trolling the drop-off toward the launching site. And then it happened…
Just as I was trolling around a bend where I had previously seen big arches on my sounder, my lightest setup got absolutely smashed. There’s no other way to describe it. The rod was bent to breaking point, even with the drag screaming out in agony. I quickly grabbed the rod and started to get a real feeling for the weight and power of this fish. Two things were immediately apparent to me: it was not a very big fish which I thought it was, and whatever it was, it wasn’t happy. It might pay to mention at this point in time the line I was using was only 10lb braid.
Every time I managed to get some line wound in this fish just took it back with consummate ease; I blaming myself for my liking toward light setup. After a couple of minutes I got it up to the surface and close enough to the kayak to have a look at it. A Pink Snapper... I don’t know how long I played the fish near the yak but eventually he tired himself out and sat on the surface of the water beside me. Nervously, tentatively, I comfort lifted the fella out of the water and placed him gently on the floor of the kayak. What a nice fish to end a day. Another 60+cm snapper added to my growing list. Cheers.
Ps. do check the trebles after every fish, mine was bend and could be the reason for a failed hook-up today.
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