Took him out to one of my squiding spot, chucked him my favourite jig, point him in the right direction and he got one instantly on his first cast. Mission accomplished.
Before we came out, I promised him he will get a squid which he promptly replied me never to promise anyone of a catch on a fishing trip.
“Nan… you will definitely get something, not to mention I’m bring you to my most covert spot”, I said and I took it as an undeclared challenge to put him onto something.
His first squid was a beginning of plenty more to come. Having caught roughly a dozen within half an hour, with a few getting an unintentionally released, we headed out wide to get something different.
Matt bought along his secret burley premixed at home with a toss of Ultrabite (containing fish feeding pheromone). It worked extra time, attracting a school of KAMAKAZI undersize snappers which were dying to hammer at our rigs. They provided great fun and were released upon capture.
All in all we got what we came for, lots of bread and butter fishes not worth mentioning and a dozen lovely squid. What's most important is I get another dude interested in fishing from a kayak.=P
Josh Tan
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