Indeed I have but as always, I like to spice things up during my studies. A few days ago, my research on the internet had drifted off to an article on kayak modification – How to make your own livewell.
A drive down to Bunning to get the necessary parts, and I’m off to my workshop (backyard) to get things started. Have to admit my surpass attention in D&T during high school paid off. Everything was put together perfectly.
It wasn’t a direct copy as I’ve added my own signature touches, substituted some add-on with cheapies and removing unnecessary parts, all catering to my specific needs. One thing I’ve learnt while staying oversea is that DIY is part and parcel of life.
Now just grant me a fine weather to test it out.
Alrite latest update on the livewell I’ve build. It performed beyond my expectation.
Went out squiding on the 16th May, Sat. Kept the pump on for 4 hours straight, it worked like a dream with all 14 squids and 1 cuttlefish (at the top right of the picture) pretty much alive at the end of the trip. Without a doubt, it’s worth every bit of effort doing it up, not to mention it’s a whole lot cheaper compared to the commercial ones.
Anyone reckon I can make money from mass producing a livewell like that?
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